Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Mint Casino Quiz Night

Mint Casino Quiz Night - 23rd September 2011

From Small things (Big Things One Day Come)

The above title of a song by Bruce Springsteen aptly reflects how I feel about the Quiz Night. The idea was brought to one of our meetings in August by Lion Stephen Pendlebury, who mentioned that the Mint Casino were looking to hold a Quiz Night with proceeds going to Bolton Lions Club.

After further discussions about how this would work, it was agreed we would provide a trophy for the winners, and would try to enter two teams.

Obviously as this is the first time for the Quiz, we did not know how many people would turn up, but we calculated we might make £100 to £200. In the Lions meeting before the quiz, Lion Stephen gave us a copy of the flyer they were sending out, which noted they were also having an auction.

On to the night, we did have two teams present to battle for the trophy! On arrival, we were the only people there (apart from Lion Stephen and his partner Dilys, who were the quiz masters), but soon people started coming and coming and coming! In the end the room was full and there were almost 60 people doing the Quiz.

Whilst Dilys was marking the Quiz, I then was asked to be the auctioneer, which was great fun, and a great deal of money was raised, culminating in having a bid of £170 for 2 people to attend the Manchester United versus Bolton game in January, with full corporate hospitality!

When Dilys returned with the results, the team I was in achieved a very creditable second place and we received a bottle of wine each (Courtesy of Mint Casino).

The pictures above show the presentation of the monies raised by the Casino to myself and Lion Jim Wells, with a staggering £750 raised which is going to our Christmas Appeal, to help underprivileged children.

As I said at the start ' From small things, one day big things come!'

Thanks to Dilys and Lions Stephen for providing the Quizzes and comparing the evening, as well as the Mint Casino, and also the two teams of Lions who attended the evening. (I won't give you the other Lions teams quiz position, so as no to embarrass them!).

I look forward to next year's Quiz.

Lion John Crompton

23rd November 2011