Friday 5 October 2012

Canopy - 08/09/12

Bolton Canopy  - 15th September 2012

There was a nice day in September!

I found out yet again, that there is a 7AM on a Saturday Morning, as we had to be at the Canopy at 8AM (not the normal 8.30AM) to unload the van, so that it was removed by 9AM.

Even half an hour earlier doesn't deter the people who always seem to be there before you are even set up, who are waiting to see the bargains as they are unpacked.

Once we were unpacked I was as normal, positioned at the 'front of house' selling our Bric-a-Braque, with a mixture of new pieces, and several old friends from previous canopies. We were also selling books, records & Cd's, clothes, curtains and some paintings, so hopefully something for everyone.

As usual the banter on the stall was first class, helped as usual by the jokes of John Fairhurst. This allied to a steady mix of customers helped the day pass very quickly, and as I noted in the title, it was a very nice day with the sun shining, rather than raining as it seemed to do for the rest of September. Not that you appreciated the sun under the canopy, we just got shade!

We always like to give (imaginary) prizes for Lions selling items, which we think are pretty much unsellable, and the first to get one today was Ray for selling 2 fairly garish flippers (probably useful due to all the rain) and later I also got one, as I sold the most hideous looking witch I think we had ever seen, to someone who wanted it for her shop (hope it doesn't scare the customers away).

The picture above is the front of house in action, although this is from March this year.

It turned out that it was one of our best days of the canopy for money received, so a big thank you to all our customers on the day, and thanks to all Lions who took part.

We will be back for our last Canopy of the year on Friday 19th October.

Lion John Crompton
5th October 2012

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