Friday, 15 February 2013


Christmas Sleigh with Bolton Lever Rotary Club  - December 2012

Having not written much for past activities since the NHS Health Fair, I thought I would share my time on the Sleigh at Christmas, before we start this year's activities programme with our collection at Asda Burnden Park being done today and tomorrow.

When I helped with our collection using Father Christmas (pictured above) and the Sleigh, we started from Lostock Railway Station on a bitterly cold Wednesday at 6.30PM, with temperatures stuck at -2 degrees Centigrade.

We headed North from the station, around some very prosperous neighbourhoods in the Lostock Area, unfortunately wealthy people can afford long drives and gates before you get to their properties, so that the music coming from the sleigh, and the ringing of our bell did not seem to reach them.

This meant that our collecting was very slow, but it was very rewarding talking to our Rotary colleagues on the evening, as it is the first time we have shared an event with them.

When we did get people to come out of their houses then we did get donations, and it is always a pleasure to see the faces of young children when they get close to Father Christmas, one mother did cut short her children's bath time and dragged them out to see us!

After about one hour (of the scheduled 2 hours), my nose was starting to run, but at that point unfortunately the PA system on the Sleigh packed in, and could not be resurrected. But out of bad always comes good, as at that point I was talking to a very pleasant couple, who came out to donate in more ways than one. Seeing how cold the night was, they offered me a nip of black Sambuca, which definitely warmed the cockles!

After a quick discussion, we decided to call it a night, as without any music playing, we would not be heard, which would make getting anybodies attention would be nigh on impossible.

Fortunately the other collection nights on the sleigh were problem free (apart from Father Christmas losing his beard on one night!).

We raised a lot of money and had a good time doing it, so we will do it again this year.

Lion John Crompton
15th February 2013

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